#Cabmen's shelters

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2 months ago

This is what those little green huts in London's streets are used for

London's green huts are actually cabmen's shelters built for cabbies in the Victorian era.
The Cabmen's Shelter Fund was founded in 1875 with the help of MPs and philanthropists to provide shelter and hot food to drivers. [ more ]
2 months ago

London's last unprotected cabmen's shelter gets heritage protection

Cabmen's shelters in London served as rest stops for cab drivers during the horse-drawn era.
Established to prevent cab drivers from drinking in pubs, the shelters still retain their original purpose. [ more ]
BBC News
2 months ago

St John's Wood cabmen's shelter becomes last to be listed

The final unlisted cabmen's shelter in London has been granted Grade II status by Historic England.
Cabmen's shelters were introduced in London in 1875 to provide resting places and hot food for cab drivers, with only 13 still remaining in the city. [ more ]
2 months ago

London cab shelter is last of remaining 13 to be listed by Historic England

Historic significance of London's green cab shelters recognized by Historic England
Cabmen's shelters serve as unique relics preserving the history of the horse-drawn age in London. [ more ]
2 months ago

This is what those little green huts in London's streets are used for

London's green huts are actually cabmen's shelters built for cabbies in the Victorian era.
The Cabmen's Shelter Fund was founded in 1875 with the help of MPs and philanthropists to provide shelter and hot food to drivers. [ more ]
2 months ago

London's last unprotected cabmen's shelter gets heritage protection

Cabmen's shelters in London served as rest stops for cab drivers during the horse-drawn era.
Established to prevent cab drivers from drinking in pubs, the shelters still retain their original purpose. [ more ]
BBC News
2 months ago

St John's Wood cabmen's shelter becomes last to be listed

The final unlisted cabmen's shelter in London has been granted Grade II status by Historic England.
Cabmen's shelters were introduced in London in 1875 to provide resting places and hot food for cab drivers, with only 13 still remaining in the city. [ more ]
2 months ago

London cab shelter is last of remaining 13 to be listed by Historic England

Historic significance of London's green cab shelters recognized by Historic England
Cabmen's shelters serve as unique relics preserving the history of the horse-drawn age in London. [ more ]
7 months ago

This is what the unsuspecting green huts in London are used for

London's green huts, also known as Cabmen's shelters, were built in the Victorian era to provide shelter for cabbies.
There are still at least 13 green huts in use across London today.
The green huts were created by George Armstrong, who noticed cabbies seeking shelter in pubs during bad weather. [ more ]
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